How to Book

Booking is simple.
You get in touch, we have a chat and we sign a contract.
But let’s start from the beginning

If you had a look at my website, you like my photography and read all the information about who I am and how I work and you think I'm the right photographer for you, then get in touch via the contact form or my email address

Write a few details about your big day – from basic facts like the date and location, to a short description of who you are and how you imagine your perfect day. 

After that I’ll come back to you with information whether I'm available. I then have a Skype call or a face to face meeting to better understand your needs and expectations. To finalise the booking and secure the date, I sign a contract and ask you to pay in the first instalment. Until the contract is signed and the payment comes though, I don’t consider the date as booked.

1. Fill out the form
with your details

Share some information about your needs and expectations from this photography session with me

2. Let's schedule
a call or meet

It's crucial for me to get to know, before we sign any contracts and plan any details.

3. Sign a contract, now i'm yours

We shake hands, agree on details and start planning the whole thing. I'm available for you before and.

Get in touch with me


Contact me on WhatsApp!